Wednesday 25 July 2012

Room 1 Apple Mummies! Part 1- by Jordyn and Sammie

Rm1 Apple Mummies

Yesterday in Room 1 we made apple mummies. We have been learning about mummies.

We are making five apple mummies. We peeled and cored the apples. 

We are trying to see which salt compound dries the apples the best.
Apple One is with normal salt. 

Apple Two is with Epsom salt. 

Apple Three is with baking soda. 

Apple Four is a mix of normal salt, epsom salt and baking soda. 

Apple Five was cored, peeled and left in a cup without any salt. 

We are also trying to dry chicken. The chicken is in a container with normal salt.

First we peeled and cored the apples then we weighed them and put them into cups. We covered the apples with the right ingredients. 

The salt should suck the juice out of the apples. 

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