Monday 29 October 2012

Platonic Solids

In Maths we have been learning about Platonic Solids. What are they? see below.

Platonic Solids

Platonic Solids

There are five Platonic Solids.

Each one is a polyhedron (a solid with flat faces)

They are special because every face is a regular polygon of the same size and shape.

Example: each face of the cube is a square.

They are also convex (no "dents" or indentations in them).

They are named after Plato, a famous Greek philosopher and mathematician.


Today we used tooth picks and lollies to make platonic solids. It was tricky but they looked great.

Ms.D took some photos of us building our platonic solids:

3D Shapes

In maths we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes. We have been decorating nets and folding them to make these colourful cubes, tetrahedrons, pyramids and dodecahedrons.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Our Fair Go Ad.

Fair Go has just held the Annual Best and Worst Ad Awards. At the same time Primary Schools can enter a competition to make an ad. This year the theme was Sell a Colour. We made an entry - most of the work was done by Finnley, with help from Joelle and Devin. The whole class contributed ideas. Have a look!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Spaghetti and Marshmallow Towers - by Tayla

Today in Room1 we had a Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower Challenge. We were in pairs and each each pair got 35 dried Spaghetti sticks and 60 little marshmallows. We had to make a tower that would  stand up and will not fall down or break.
It was hard and frustrating. Getting the spaghetti to stand up was difficult, they kept falling over. Making the marshmallows stick to the pasta was tricky it mostly stuck to the table.

The winning tower - 47cm

2nd place - 41cm



Friday 19 October 2012

Toys From Trash - Shayde and Billy

During African Cultural Week Faith talked with us about how in African villages children make most of the toys they play with. We decided to give it a go. 

How we made a Rugby goal. First we got 6 toilet rolls. We taped the 2 
toilet rolls in the middle. Then we grabbed the 2 
big rolls and we taped them together.
Then we grabbed another 2 rolls and
we put holes in the cardboard. Then
put the rolls in the holes 
and taped them to make it stand up. This was our  
a rugby post. We got two 
rolls then put one roll on top of the other
and tried to kick it in. The way to play is to 
put one roll on top of the other and try get it in 
the middle of the posts. And you can't throw it in...
THE END...............................................................

How I made my game. First I grabbed 4 chop sticks, I taped 2 together. Then
I used a window wiper stick for grip. Then I got a
rubber band and put it around the sticks. I taped
the rubber band onto the sticks then I taped the window wiper
to the sticks. Then I grabbed cups and stacked them. Then I made 
paper strips. To play you try to knock the cups down with the paper
strips that you fire from the slingshot.                                         

---THE END---

Holiday Postcards

Our Buddy Class, Room 14 sent us postcards telling about their holidays. These are the postcards we created to send to them.

















Jackson C




Jackson T