Monday 17 September 2012

Henna - by Sammie and Daisy

On Wednesday a lady came to our school to talk us about henna. Room 1 was lucky enough for three kids to be able to get a henna design and they were : Daisy, Sammie and Jordyn.
When we got our Henna done it felt cold and wet. And it took 15 minutes to dry. After the henna we went back to class to let our henna dry. After it dried we had to wash our hands and scrap the henna off .

Here are some photos of Daisy and Sammie getting their hands decorated with Henna

Henna is a used for celebrations and comes from Somalia, Africa. Henna is a small bush that grows in parts of in North Africa and Asia .
The leaves are harvested, dried and powdered.

The powder is then mixed with water, tea or coffee to make henna paste. Henna has been used for body decoration for thousands of years, in the Middle East, North Africa and India.

So maybe  when you grow up you might want henna to!!!

Sunday 16 September 2012

M.C.S African themed Murals. - by Lusi

This term M.C.S was focusing on Africa so we decided to make some African murals. Room 1 decided to make a mural about boabab trees, other classes chose to do murals of camels in the African landscape and African patterns. 

For our mural we had to draw some boabab trees, so we looked at lots of pictures and photos of boabab trees. When we thought we were ready to draw a portrait of the tree we chose if we wanted to draw a big tree or a small tree. We got some scrap paper - big if you wanted to draw a big tree and small if you wanted to draw a small tree. You then gave your drawing to Ms D and if she thought you could do better she gave you another piece of paper and told you what you needed to do better and if she approved of your tree she gave you a good piece of paper with a grid on it. 

Next we copied our tree onto the good piece of paper. When we had drawn our tree onto the good piece of paper Ms D drew either a circle sun or an oval sun outline. When we'd done that we had to go and find a partner and start colouring in the background. We were only allowed to use different types of  green and blues for the background but for the sun we were allowed to use red, yellow and orange. It was very hard because the grid made you get confused on were to colour in. Once we had finished colouring the back round we had to paint over our picture with very watery black paint, then we waited for the paint to dry next we painted the tree black so it gave it a sort of shadowy look. 

After that Devin and Lusi painted our backround a bluey grey. They were trying to get it from dark grey to light blue after they had finished it looked awesome. Once the backround had dried Finnley and Devin painted a pathway onto the backround while some girls made some baobab trees with patterns on their trunks. Then the trees were stuck on by the path. Next Mrs D stuck the paintings onto the mural and voila our mural was done. Here is our mural finished and some other classes ones that I liked.

Orange Day Parade! - by Grace

Orange, orange, orange and oh look even more orange. This could only mean one thing.... Orange Day Parade! Out of school and on to the bus went 20 students from Miramar Central School. We may have been a small group compared to some of the others but we were loud and proud chanting through out the town:

"Here we are were M.C.S "x2
"Yes we are we are the best" x2
"Let me hear your sign swing" x2
clap clap clap clap "SWING" x2
"Road patrol is so cool" x2
"It is our golden rule" x2
"Thank you for listening" x2
"Now we gotta do our thing" x2
clap clap clap clap "HEY"

After we paraded around town we marched to the town hall were we were appreciated for taking up road patrol. A school danced on stage for us and then we played a noise game to show one of the hosts Ian what it was like to be on road patrol on a really bad day. When we left we were given goodie bags.
We didn't win anything but next year I'm sure we will.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

African Cultural Week - Day 1 - Devin and Daisy

Today was the first day for our African Focus Week. We started off the week with a African assembly which had plays and songs. After the assembly we did some drumming with Sam Monzanza in the hall.
He taught us how Congolese people dance and play the drums. Here are some photos from the morning.

After the drumming we went to the library and saw a short power point of Hannah and her family in Africa. Hannah was only 1 when her family went to live in Africa. She was 6 when they returned to NZ. She went to lots of countries and saw lots of cool animals. After the short power point of Hannah's time in Africa we asked her mum a few questions about trip.

Later in the day we had an art rotation. We did many things such as :
Bookmarks, Egyptian Necklaces and sock puppets.

We had lots of fun and hope tomorrow will be even better!

Saturday 8 September 2012

Room 1 Rugby League Training - Jackson C, Kayla, Hunter.

On the 29th of August R1 and R4 went for a Rugby League training Session on the court with some students from Rongotai College. 
First we went though all the names of the Rongotai people then did a warm up and got a few tips.

We did a few runs and and a few more tips

Then we played a cool as game of touch octopus which is like bull rush but when you get tagged you stand still like in octopus. We can't wait until next Wednesday when we have a longer lesson. It was Awesome! With a capital A