Sunday 16 September 2012

Orange Day Parade! - by Grace

Orange, orange, orange and oh look even more orange. This could only mean one thing.... Orange Day Parade! Out of school and on to the bus went 20 students from Miramar Central School. We may have been a small group compared to some of the others but we were loud and proud chanting through out the town:

"Here we are were M.C.S "x2
"Yes we are we are the best" x2
"Let me hear your sign swing" x2
clap clap clap clap "SWING" x2
"Road patrol is so cool" x2
"It is our golden rule" x2
"Thank you for listening" x2
"Now we gotta do our thing" x2
clap clap clap clap "HEY"

After we paraded around town we marched to the town hall were we were appreciated for taking up road patrol. A school danced on stage for us and then we played a noise game to show one of the hosts Ian what it was like to be on road patrol on a really bad day. When we left we were given goodie bags.
We didn't win anything but next year I'm sure we will.

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