Tuesday 11 September 2012

African Cultural Week - Day 1 - Devin and Daisy

Today was the first day for our African Focus Week. We started off the week with a African assembly which had plays and songs. After the assembly we did some drumming with Sam Monzanza in the hall.
He taught us how Congolese people dance and play the drums. Here are some photos from the morning.

After the drumming we went to the library and saw a short power point of Hannah and her family in Africa. Hannah was only 1 when her family went to live in Africa. She was 6 when they returned to NZ. She went to lots of countries and saw lots of cool animals. After the short power point of Hannah's time in Africa we asked her mum a few questions about trip.

Later in the day we had an art rotation. We did many things such as :
Bookmarks, Egyptian Necklaces and sock puppets.

We had lots of fun and hope tomorrow will be even better!

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