Wednesday 20 June 2012

Room One's Retellings!

This week Room 1 have been retelling the stories of  'How the kiwi lost it's wings' or 
'How Maui slowed the sun'. After we decided what story we were going to retell we 
read the story and decided how we were going to present it. My group decided we would use the story 'How the kiwi lost its wings' and we would use  kid pix to create different slides for each part. To start  on the computer,  we first had to write a script in our own words which  showed  where the action took place. We also had  to share out the parts and do a drawing of what our character might look like. Then we started to create..........
On kid pix we had to design a background of the New Zealand bush or the background of Maui's village. We haven't quite finished them but I hope they turn out great!!!!!!
Grace C.


  1. Hi Grace.
    Was that what you were working on in the library the other day? I was very impressed! What are you going to do with them when you have finished them?
    Miss Corby.
