Wednesday 27 June 2012

Year 6 Camp Fundraiser - continued

This is Grace continuing on from Joelle's blog about the Year 6 camp fundraiser.
As most of you know we have been doing this fundraiser to earn money to help pay for our Year 6 children to go to camp.
Ms.D was giving out jobs to people.  While some kids went to get the flat bread some of us had to cut or grate ingredients or shred the chicken. I got the job of taking photos of everyone working together and blogging about it to all of you!!!!
You were given two choices of what you could choose between in your wraps.

      BEAN WRAP:                             WHATS IN IT?
                                            *Mild chilli beans
                                   *Sour cream             

CHICKEN WRAP:                           WHATS IN IT?
                                           *Sweet chilli sauce

Sounds good right?

Anyway since the Teina (junior) syndicate are out for their Wind Walk, we started to make their wraps for them first and then Claire delivered the wraps to them when they stopped off at the park. How we did it?After we made their wraps we bagged them up and put a sticker on them that said their name. 

Then it was time to make the wraps for the children at school. A runner went to get the children and they lined up and told the servers what they wanted in their wrap and the servers put the fillings in.

The good news was that we raised $200 for the Camp.

Here are a few photos of what we did.


Took awhile to make though...

The wrap tasted so good!!!

Plus it looks good too!!!

Order up people!!!

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