Wednesday 20 June 2012

Year 6 camp fundraiser

In Room 1 we devised a way to earn money for the year 6 camp. We decided to make WRAPS! We taste tested them and they were delicious. Then we had to design a flier to go around the school advertising them. After that Ms. De asked two people to run around the school asking teachers what time they wanted us to tell their class all about the wrap fundraiser. So we collected what they told us and then we choose the time that suited both of us best. Then we went to the classes to explain and show what and about the wraps. And thats what we did for the...

                  Year  6 Camp Fundraiser! 

We will tell you how the whole thing worked next week.....

By Joelle and Sammie

1 comment:

  1. Yum. I have mine ordered and looking forward to it. Miss Corby.
