Tuesday 28 August 2012

Room1 turns into a Moroccan kitchen

Room 1 Turns into a Moroccan kitchen

by Joelle and Melissa.

Room 1 has been studying Morocco so Ms. D decided we would make Moroccan food - flat bread, chicken kebabs and Couscous. 

First we made the couscous. We randomly chose people to help out - chopping, mixing or measuring. After we had everything we needed cut or measured, Ms. D started adding all the ingredients together and got someone to mix them up while she added Currants and toasted almonds.

Then we started making the flat bread.  Jordyn, Madison and Kayla measured and mixed the dough - with a KNIFE?!! Then slowly Ms. D added water while they mixed it. After they mixed it they stuck their hands in the mixture and kneaded the dough. Once they finished the dough they gave it to Ms. D and she called people two by two to roll and cook their bread.

Finally we started making the marinade sauce. Ms D crushed the garlic and we mixed all the ingredients together with the chicken. Then she got two of us to thread the chicken onto the kebab sticks. Devin and Jordyn cooked the chicken and then brought it back in for everyone to eat and enjoy


Thursday 16 August 2012

Maths Olympics - by Tayla and Sam

It was a great day for the Maths Olympics. All the Tuakana syndicate were very excited to learn and think. We all went into the hall to do the Maths Olympics. First thing we got told the rules. Earlier that week we got put into groups, there were 20 groups.

 3...2...1 GO we all raced to our base. It was easy to know where our base was because there were numbers on the ground to tell us. Our team's runner went to the desk that had our number on to get our first question.

Then we went back to base and answered the question. When we had answered the question we took it back to the desk to see if we got it right. If we got it right we took it to Jane and she would put an x on the score board.If we got the question wrong we had to figure it out again. Then we would go back to our desk and got another question. 

As well as answering questions there were people building models out of multilink cubes.  

At the end of the Math Olympics there were three winners. There were two golds and one bronze the winners were....... First equal - Group 11 and Group 5. The bronze was won by Group 4.


Saturday 11 August 2012

ASB Gymnastics! - By Grace and Jordyn

 Today Room 1 went to The ASB Sport Center to have a go at gymnastics. Gymnastics looks a bit tricky but it can be fun.

We got on the bus and away we went.........

As we walked in we met two gymnasts called James and Emma.
"Hello" said James and Emma.
"Please line up on the white line" said James.                                                                                                        

" Okay first we are going to do a warm up and then we'll get started". " Okay so when I yell out an animal you move like that animal". "Okay running....................Jump like a kangaroo...........snap like a crocodile............slither like a snake...........screech like a monkey.

After the warm up we got put into two groups. Group 1 was with James and Group 2 was with Emma.
With James we learnt how to do forward and backwards rolls, climb along bars and jump on a trampoline and do a 360 spin. With Emma we jumped across high beams, Backflipped on bars, cartwheeled and jumped on a tramp and bunny hopped on a beam. After every one had a turn we switched over.

For the last excerise we got a partner, sat back to back and linked arms. We had to try and push ourselves up to a standing position without breaking the link. Them we faced each other and had to put our feet together and push our legs up without letting go of each others hands.

It was tricky but it was fun!!!!!

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Apple Mummies - Part 4 - by Sammie and Jordyn

Today is the last day for the apple mummies.
First we took the chicken out and weighed it.

The chicken has lost 18g in total since we started the experiment. People say it smells like chicken salt.


Apple 1 has lost 23g in total since we started the experiment and its the only one that is not brown or moldy


Apple 2 has lost 35g in total since we started the experiment. For some reason it weighed more today than it did last time we weighed it. Maybe it as absorbed moisture from the air in the last few days.


Apple 3 lost 39g in total since we started the experiment and it is squishy and brown.


Apple 4 lost 28g in total since we started the experiment and also turned brown


Apple 5 lost 15g in total since we started the experiment and it is moldy


Epsom salt and Baking Soda sucked the most moisture out of the apples. We have enjoyed our experiment on making apple mummies.


Tuesday 7 August 2012

Gumboot Throwing Maths - By Devin with a little help from Finn and Billy


We are learning to plot data on a stem-and-leaf graph and make statements that compare two sets of data.

Here is the boys gumboot throw data.







Here is the girls gumboot throw data.







Here are the statements that we came up with:

  • The boys threw the longest and shortest distances.
  • There are only six people who threw more than ten metres.
  • The girls have less gumboot throws between 10m-19m than the boys.
  • Only one girl threw ten metres.
  • The boys lowest throw was two metres and the girls lowest throw was four metres.
Madison about to let it fly.
Joelle lets the boot go.

Here we go.

Ben and the walking boot.