Monday 6 August 2012

African Drumming - Introduced by Madison

Today in the hall there were some people that came to show us some drumming. They had djembe drums for all of us.  We learnt beats to go with oompa loompa and Oh my gosh I like it.  Everyone was laughing and having lots of fun and beating out rhythms on the drums.
After the show we went back to class and talked about it then we wrote poems about it.

Enjoying the action

Heaps of drums!!!

Here are some of the poems.

         Drumming - by Sam 

  Walking in, a loud vibration.
All silent except for the drumming.
djembe beat, loud and clear.
Looking, listening, feeling the rhythm.


Drumming - by Tayla

Imagination vibration breath - taking
Boom Boom Boom goes the djembe
Slap, Slap tap go my hands
Bang, Bang bang goes the beat
We keep to the rhythm
We fill the hall with...
Imagination vibration commotion.


The Beat of The Drum - by Lusi

The beat of the drum flowing through my head
oompa loompa, oompa loompa
Repeating the beat
Yes I like this
Slapping the drum
Oh my gosh I like this
Vibrating off my hands
Oompa loompa, oompa loompa
Soon the beat comes to the end.


Drumming - by Billy

Drumming gets louder, louder.
A high then low pitched sound.
Exciting to the beat of the music
of oompa loompa.
Waving arms, yell to be happy.
Vibrations of the djembe rap.


BOOM by Finnley

Boom Boom Boom!
What's that noise?
Boom, boom, boom!
Slap the drums
Boom, boom, boom!
Clap your hands
Clap, clap, clap,
Yell out LOUD
Aah, aah, aah!

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