Thursday 16 August 2012

Maths Olympics - by Tayla and Sam

It was a great day for the Maths Olympics. All the Tuakana syndicate were very excited to learn and think. We all went into the hall to do the Maths Olympics. First thing we got told the rules. Earlier that week we got put into groups, there were 20 groups.

 3...2...1 GO we all raced to our base. It was easy to know where our base was because there were numbers on the ground to tell us. Our team's runner went to the desk that had our number on to get our first question.

Then we went back to base and answered the question. When we had answered the question we took it back to the desk to see if we got it right. If we got it right we took it to Jane and she would put an x on the score board.If we got the question wrong we had to figure it out again. Then we would go back to our desk and got another question. 

As well as answering questions there were people building models out of multilink cubes.  

At the end of the Math Olympics there were three winners. There were two golds and one bronze the winners were....... First equal - Group 11 and Group 5. The bronze was won by Group 4.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 1. I heard about your Maths Olympics - it sounded like heaps of fun! Yah for learning being fun! Let me know if you are going to do it again and I will come and watch. Miss Corby.
