Tuesday 28 August 2012

Room1 turns into a Moroccan kitchen

Room 1 Turns into a Moroccan kitchen

by Joelle and Melissa.

Room 1 has been studying Morocco so Ms. D decided we would make Moroccan food - flat bread, chicken kebabs and Couscous. 

First we made the couscous. We randomly chose people to help out - chopping, mixing or measuring. After we had everything we needed cut or measured, Ms. D started adding all the ingredients together and got someone to mix them up while she added Currants and toasted almonds.

Then we started making the flat bread.  Jordyn, Madison and Kayla measured and mixed the dough - with a KNIFE?!! Then slowly Ms. D added water while they mixed it. After they mixed it they stuck their hands in the mixture and kneaded the dough. Once they finished the dough they gave it to Ms. D and she called people two by two to roll and cook their bread.

Finally we started making the marinade sauce. Ms D crushed the garlic and we mixed all the ingredients together with the chicken. Then she got two of us to thread the chicken onto the kebab sticks. Devin and Jordyn cooked the chicken and then brought it back in for everyone to eat and enjoy


1 comment:

  1. I thought it was very nice!! Thank you for sharing Room 1!! Miss Corby.
