Monday 6 August 2012

Room 1's Maths Data! - by Grace

This week Room 1 has been learning to compare data on a stem and leaf graph. First Ms.D shared with us some data on the length of pencils in another class. We put the tens on one side and the ones on the other.

                                             There were 19 children in the other class-
                                             Length of the children's pencils:

    *In the Twenty's-  26cm
    *In the Tens- 16cm, 13cm, 12cm, 15cm, 10cm, 11cm, 15cm and 14cm

    * One's- 8cm, 6cm, 8cm, 9cm, 8cm, 3cm, 8cm, 4cm, 7cm and 5cm

This is a stem and leaf chart. The Stem stands for the tens and the leaves stand for the ones. The 2 stands for two tens - twenty,  the 1 stands for ten and the 0 stands for no tens - ones.

|                          |                             |
|                          |                             |             
|                      2  | 6                          |             
|                      1   |63250154           |               
|                      0  |8689838479     |                     
|----------------- |-------------------|              
|       TENS         |       ONES           |              
|     (Stem)         |      (Leaves)      |             

 We then measured our own pencils and compared  our pencil length data with the other classes pencil length data.

This is our data:

|                                   |                                     |
|                                   |                                     |
|                                   |                                     |
|                                1 | 06138542031745716|
|                              0  |  99797                         |
| ---------------------  |---------------------       |
|         TENS               |      ONES                     |
|                                   |                                     |
|                                   |                                      |

After plotting our data on a stem and leaf chart we made statements that compared our two sets of data:

- " The longest pencil is 26cm long and is in the other class".
-" The shortest pencil in the other class is 2cm
- " There are more children in Room 1 than the other class - Other class- 19. Rm 1 -23".
- " The Other class has more pencils that are less than 10cm".
-" Most Room 1 children have longer pencils than the children in the Other class."

    Now we are plotting some more data and we will share it with you soon! 

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