Wednesday 8 August 2012

Apple Mummies - Part 4 - by Sammie and Jordyn

Today is the last day for the apple mummies.
First we took the chicken out and weighed it.

The chicken has lost 18g in total since we started the experiment. People say it smells like chicken salt.


Apple 1 has lost 23g in total since we started the experiment and its the only one that is not brown or moldy


Apple 2 has lost 35g in total since we started the experiment. For some reason it weighed more today than it did last time we weighed it. Maybe it as absorbed moisture from the air in the last few days.


Apple 3 lost 39g in total since we started the experiment and it is squishy and brown.


Apple 4 lost 28g in total since we started the experiment and also turned brown


Apple 5 lost 15g in total since we started the experiment and it is moldy


Epsom salt and Baking Soda sucked the most moisture out of the apples. We have enjoyed our experiment on making apple mummies.


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